
Mike and Cheryl

Mike and Cheryl Kolesar met and fell in love in El Paso, Texas.

After his pastor's wife said, "You're dating Cheryl? Good luck catching her!" Mike set out to prove he could do it. After significant effort, he finally won the heart of absolute treasure! A true "Proverbs 31" woman, domestic goddess, woman of character and grace and a constant blessing to her husband.

Cheryl says she did pretty well too. :-)

About Mike

Mike is an avid learner, licensed minister and trained educator. He has taught professionally at the Elementary, Junior High, High School, College and adult levels. He taught himself computer programming and then spent almost 20 years working for some of the largest corporations, churches and government agencies in the world.

Mike's passion is to take truths and make them clear and practical - while keeping a sense of humor. His goal is to help parents be as effective as possible, passing their faith and love for Jesus on to their children.

In his spare time, he likes to play the drums because it's good for his soul, and a blessing to his neighbors. He also likes to run around in the desert and shoot at stuff while doing things his father would never let him do as a kid.


about cheryl

Cheryl is the daughter, and granddaughter of life-long missionaries. Her unique upbringing and background taught her about the power of prayer, patience and compassion from a very young age. Her desire was to be a 3rd generation missionary, but God showed her that what this world needed from her, was to be a fully committed wife and mother. That her calling was to minister to the needs of her husband and family, while mentoring others on the power and impact they could have in, and through their own families.

Cheryl has a heart for evangelism. Since she was fifteen, she has worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship and Southwest Gospel Ministries to Children leading Bible clubs in housing projects and public schools. She's been doing this for over 30 years. She loves being a mother, making homemade cinnamon rolls, nutrition and fitness, thrift store shopping and mentoring moms through her organization "Praying with a Prayer Partner Changes Everything". She also enjoys watching her husband play drums in his super awesome band.